Tag Archives | aged wines

7 Important Wine Terms You Need To Know

With wine, there’s always something for everyone. When making a choice of wine, however, a total amateur can feel overwhelmed by the language. People say that learning the language of wine can change how you taste it. While we can’t confirm the experience will be the same, we can confirm one thing: knowing many essential […]

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A Brief History of Wine Labels

A nice wine label can sometimes be appreciated (almost) as much as the actual contents of the bottle. Labels with smart designs showcase creativity, offering depth and entertainment, allowing another layer of conversation to the experience of drinking a fine bottle of wine. Bringing along a bottle of wine to an event or as a […]

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A Guide to Ordering Wine at a Restaurant

Have you ever been at a restaurant, wine list in hand, feeling lost? “I want to try this one, but I don’t know how to pronounce it… This one sounds nice, but will it go well with my food? Will my dinner guests judge me if I go for a cheaper wine? Do we want […]

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